Tuesday, October 4, 2011

5 Solutions For Natural Flea Control

Warm weather is here and with it come the fleas. Those nasty little buggers could drive a dog to drink but pumping their blood full of prescription medication (aka harsh chemicals) or using harsh soaps and sprays hardly seems like a pet lover’s answer. Below are some all-natural solutions that will have your dog itch-free in no time.

1. Rosemary Flea Dip: Steep two cups of fresh rosemary in boiling water for 30 minutes. Strain the liquid, discard the leaves and add up to a gallon of warm water depending on the size of your dog. Wait until it cools but is still warm and pour over your dog until he’s soaked. Allow your dog to dry naturally. Works especially well on hot summer days.

2. Lavender Essential Oil: Wash your dog thoroughly and towel dry. Apply a few drops of lavender essential oil to the base of the tail and another at the neck.

3. Brewer’s Yeast: Add a small Brewer’s yeast tablets to your dog’s food. Much like prescription meds (but much healthier), this is excreted through Fido’s skin making him less attractive to fleas. Check with your veterinarian for the proper dosages depending on weight.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar: A spoonful of this stuff added to your dog’s water makes their skin more acidic and not-at-all tasty to fleas. If apple cider vinegar is not your dog’s cup of tea, you can dilute it 50/50 with water, pour into a spray bottle and use as a repellent.

Lemon Spray Repellent: Cut a lemon into quarters, cover with boiling water and let it steep overnight. In the morning, spray all over your dog, especially behind the ears and around the head generally (be careful of his eyes), around the base of the tail, and under your dog’s legs.
h/t Sharon N Lance Palmer

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