Tuesday, October 4, 2011

US Food Supplies

Last week on the George Noory show I said that "we’ll be fighting in the streets for food long before we’re buried in ice." (I say the same thing in Not by Fire but by Ice.)

I just received an email from a reader that sums it up better than I did.

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"I spent about thirty years working in commercial agribusiness. My main job was to purchase ingredients, mainly grain, for flour mills and animal feed mills. As a part of my job I was forced to understand the US food supply system, its strengths and weaknesses. Over the years I became aware of some things that nearly all Americans are completely unaware of. I am going to make a list of statements and then you will see where I'm going.

--1% of the US population grows all of the food for all

--Nearly all Americans know essentially nothing about where
the food they eat every day comes from. How it gets from the
ground to them. And they don't want to know about it. It's
cheap, as close as their local store, and of high quality. So
no worries.

--The bulk of the food we eat comes from grain. Although
they raise a lot of fruits and vegetables in California, Arizona,
Florida, Oregon and Washington, those things don't compose
the main part of the average diet. Half of what a meat animal
is raised on is grain so when you eat meat you are really
eating grain. And, of course, we eat grain directly as bread,
bagels, doughnuts, pasta, etc. Milk (and milk products like
cheese) comes from cows that eat grain. A lot of grain. And
the grain they eat is not produced where the cows are located.

--The lion's share of grain produced in the US is done in a
concentrated part of the US Midwest (Illinois, Iowa, Kansas,
Missouri is the center of this area). The grain is moved to the
coasts (where 70% of the population live) by only two (2)

--Nothing is stored for very long in a supermarket. One day
grain travels (by rail) from Kansas to Seattle to a flour mill.
The next day the flour mill makes the flour and sends it to a
bakery. The next day the bakery makes it into bread (and
other baked things) and the next day it is at the store where
it is purchased that day. Nobody stores anything. The grain
is produced and stored in the Midwest and shipped daily in
a single pipeline to the rest of America where the people live.

--Up until the 1980's there was a system that stored a lot of
grain in elevators around the country. At one time a whole
year's harvest of grain was stored that way. But since tax-
payers were paying to store it, certain urban politicians
engineered the movement of that money from providing a
safety net or backup for their own food supply in order to
give the money to various other social welfare things. So
now, nothing is stored. We produce what we consume each
year and store practically none of it. There is no contingency

Now for my take on what this means for us and what it has to do with the topic you are publicizing.

--If a drought such as has lingered over other parts of the US
where little grain is grown were to move over the grain-
producing states in the Midwest where few people live, it
would seriously damage the food supply of the country and
the apples of Washington, the lettuce of California, the grape-
fruit of Florida and the peanuts of Georgia won't make up
the difference because grain is the staff of life and most of it
is grown in the Midwest.

--Americans are armed to the teeth. In LA people burned down
their own neighborhoods to protest a court case.

--In order for riots to break out the whole food supply doesn't
have to be wiped out. It just has to be threatened sufficiently.
When people realize their vulnerability and the fact that there
is no short term solution to a severe enough drought in the
Midwest they will have no clue as to what they should do.
Other nations can't make up the difference because no other
nation has a surplus of grain in good times let alone in times
when they are having droughts and floods also. It takes two
or three months to raise grain, yet people have to eat usually
at least once a day, usually more than that.

--So basically we have in place a recipe for a disaster that will
dwarf any other localized disasters imaginable. The important
thing to note is that there is no solution for this event. There is
no contingency plan for this. People living in certain parts of
the US will fare better than others (which is another story)
but those who live in big cities, where most of the US
population live, are done for.

Anyway, I have no agenda of my own concerning this. I just thought I'd share it with someone who appears to have an idea of what might likely cause this scenario to occur. The only people who know about this are those who are involved in the production and distribution of the food supply and there are very, very few of them number-wise. And most of them haven't put two and two together yet either.
h/t Sharon N Lance Palmer

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