Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How to gauge the temp of a wood burning cook stove

Great-grandma used a used a few  different methods to judge  her oven temperature and I thought I’d share the ones I know about  with you.
To check an oven for a good baking temperature place a tablespoon of flour into a piece of oven proof crockery or glass.
If the flour turns brown in 1 minute the oven is a perfect temperature for baking – between 325ºF and  350ºF.
My personal old time favorite method is the  bare hand into the oven for a count of 20.
If great-grandma could stand to have her bare hand inserted into the oven for a count to 20, the oven was hot enough to bake a cake or slow roast meat – about 350º.
If she could only take the heat to a count of  5 or 6 the oven was very hot  oven – well over 475º.
Another way  to check oven temperature without toasting your hand is to put a piece of white paper into the the oven for 5 minutes.
If the paper turns a golden brown the oven heat is medium.  If the piece of paper turns a dark brown the oven is hot.
Here’s some general guidelines for oven temperatures in case you do run into an older recipe but don’t want to fiddle with flour, paper or the flesh on your hand.
A Slow Oven: 250ºF. to 300ºF.
A Moderate Oven: 350ºF. to 400ºF.
Hot Oven:  400ºF. to 450ºF.
Very Hot Oven: 450º 550ºF.
h/t Andrea Sisco
~and thank you for sharing you G-Grandmothers technique~ :)

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