Wednesday, October 5, 2011

How to Clean, Prepare and Fill a Water Barrel

Step 1: Before filling a water barrel make sure you clean it thoroughly before any other steps. You can safely clean a Food-(or Government-) Grade water container with dish soap and water. Another way to clean it is by adding 1 tsp of liquid house old chlorine bleach to 1 quart of water. Make sure all soap residue is out before filling the container with water.
Step 2: Fill container with regular tap water. Water from a chlorinated water supply doesn’t need further treatment if being stored in clean, food-grade containers. For wells or any non-chlorinated water, the supply should be treated with water preserver (Add 8 drops of  for every gallon of water).

Step 3: Be sure to place the date on the water container so you know when you filled it, and when you’ll need to fill it, again. If you used chlorine treated water, rotate every 6 months. If you used water preserver or tablets rotate as often as the package indicates.
(Typically 4-5 years.)
Step 4: Store in a cool, dark place. It’s ideal to store water in a location where nothing in the home will be damaged if the container leaks. It’s also helpful to remember that you can improve the taste of the water by pouring it back and forth between containers before use.
h/t Andrea Sisco

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