Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Agenda 21

To understand how we got here, and fully understand the goals of Agenda 21, this will get you started. There are many current short articles and videos, and they will add to knowledge, but to understand, and determine how to fight this, we need full background material.

There is so much involved in this. Since you have access to all the current articles about Agenda 21, I tried to give you the background on how this came about, how long it has been worked by the UN and by all other governments and organizations in the world. And please remember this quote from the Clinton years: “Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy- fixated groups and individuals in our society… This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking LA21. So we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.” J. Gary Lawrence, advisor to President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development in a report to UN

We have a whole generation of children indoctrinated with this “green” agenda. They have been taught anti-nationalism, cultural and racial diversity, world without borders, and a form of earth worship paganism, to name a few. Even some churches have been infiltrated. Our state and local governments have signed on and they knew nothing about what they were doing. This was made to look attractive because grants were attached to it. And, who wouldn’t want to take care of the earth for the children? Always for the children. No aspect of our lives have been untouched; its invasive and pervasive.

We think this is a push toward communism when actually it is a whole new form of evil called “communitarianism.” I’ve been trying very hard to understand this, and I have a fair background in political science, but I don’t know if I will ever fully understand. It seems they had to find a way to bring the whole world together. We think we are being pushed toward communism, and the communist countries say no you aren’t. The communist countries think they are pushed toward capitalism, but they aren’t. it’s a whole new world order, just like we heard President G.H.W. Bush say, but some of us still don’t understand what it means.We do understand the loss of inalienable personal rights granted by our Constitution and we understand we are being pushed into acollective” society, but its called something different, and will be governed as if the Earth were all powerful, the individual will be secondary to the community and the community will be subjugated to the Earth. (Its really not that simple, it is very hard to understand. I’m trying!)

There is "sustainable" as in what the word meant 30 years ago -which had no particular focus on the environment or natural resources... and then there is the philosophy or doctrine of "Sustainable Development" which is a weird amalgamation ...of progressive, socialist behavioral-engineering, earth worship, heavy-handed social scheming, control and manipulation of people and resources...all neatly channeled thru a centralized UN global governing structure....into a manageable, controllable, walkable, livable, high density, compact, pedestrian oriented sustainable community....where Gaia is god and humanity is just another animal scrounging to find a snack in the food desert...

The following are excellent places to learn about the Earth Charter and the Rio meeting that expanded and developed the Earth Charter into what we call “Agenda 21” this link will take you to home page, click on “research ctr” to understand how we got here and how all encompassing this movement is, its mind boggling how all this was sneaked in under the auspices of conservation; the average person could not connect all the agencies, clubs, organizations, NGOs (Non Government Organizations), some specifically created just for this. And all came with a big stack of government grants for use in implementation

There are many articles in lay language with links. report on how to use teachers to propagandize in schools 1948 This is not officially part of “Agenda 21” but it is part of the movement toward that. This was instrumental in setting the schools up to indoctrinate the children. Notice the date of 1948. This movement for one world government started many years before this meeting in 1948.

After reading about the Wildlands Project, this is good info to demonstrate what this will mean for us: find your area targeted by Wilderness Wildlands

Map from the biodiversity section which shows where humans will not be allowed to go on American land: This article is very interesting, written in 1998. Cites excerpts of US report to the UN on progress of adherence to UN Earth Charter principles. Unfortunately prior to the mid to late 90s, no one paid much attention. Note this is reporting on the “Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990”

Here is excerpt from this report: (remember this report was in the nineties, they’ve got 20 years on us)

“The transition from free-market agriculture to managed sustainable agriculture is well advanced in America, according to the UN report. Sustainable agriculture is defined in American law (Food, Agriculture, Conservation, and Trade Act of 1990 - 7 USE 3101) to be:

"an integrated system of plant and animal production practices having a site-specific application that will, over the long term, satisfy human food and fiber needs; enhance environmental quality and the natural resource base upon which the agriculture economy depends; make the most efficient use of nonrenewable resources and on-farm resources and integrate, where appropriate, natural biological cycles and controls; sustain the economic viability of farm operation; and enhance the quality of life for farmers and members of rural communities, and society as a whole."

To achieve sustainable agriculture in America, the U.S. Department of Agriculture works "in concert with the President's Council on Sustainable Development" to implement several programs such as the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EPUIP), and the Farmland Protection Program, which was created to purchase development rights on up to 137,600 ha of private property. The Conservation Reserve Program has an additional 36 million acres of private property out of production, at least temporarily. “

Another excerpt from this 1998 report:

To achieve the objectives of Agenda 21, and the Convention on Biological Diversity, the report identifies several federal initiatives, including: the National Biological Service; Interagency Committee on the Environment and Natural Resources; Interagency Ecosystem Management Task Force, and the Ecosystem Management Initiative.

"Ecosystem management strategies have been adopted by the Department of Interior, Agriculture, Defense, Energy, EPA, and NOAA. In some cases, broad-scale organizational frameworks are being implemented. For example, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service in the Department of Interior has defined approximately 50 ecosystem units across the country as a basis for future planning related to sustainable management...."

"Forest legislation has recently been revised to help combat deforestation envisaged under chapter 11 of Agenda 21 and includes The Forest Stewardship Act of 1990; the Cooperative Forestry Assistance Act of 1990; America the Beautiful (1990); an the National Indian Forest Resources an Management Act," according to the State Department report to the UN. The President's Forest Plan adopted for the Pacific Northwest region is described as "the best example of policy following the UNCED [Agenda 21] forest principles."

The report says that the "American Forest an Paper Association, which represents 95% of the industrial forest land in the U.S., approved a set of Sustainable Forestry Principles and Guidelines. With the help of NGOs which continue "to draw attention to disparities between sustainable goals and current practices," and plans developed at the state level, "resource plans will ultimately bring millions of hectares of nonindustrial private forest lands under stewardship management." This is Henry Lamb’s site, considered authority. There is so much here, but well worth your time to maybe read an article per day, and the same with “freedom advocates” World Heritage Sites We don’t own our National Treasures anymore. UN Law of the Sea executive order

Perhaps there are some of you old enough to remember President Carter was enamored with this UN Treaty, our Congress would not ratify. Reagan hated the UN, or so he said, and very little favorable to the UN was done under his administration. However, every president since has issued executive orders along this line. We don’t own our oceans, not even the areas we go to fish and swim. Clinton, Bush II and Obama all issued EO on this.

By the way, do you know what is happening to the fishing industry, particularly in the North East? They are being forced out of business by Executive Orders and new rules made by our alphabet agencies. “Trading US Rights for US Rules, 1998” The Parental Rights issue is not a new one, just read this article! We Americans are just now waking up! Clinton EO human rights giving legal immunity to ICUN explanation of immunity of ICUN 2002 UN individual country report on USA promoting walkable communities with no automobiles
h/t Sharon N Lance Palmer

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